Terms of Use
As a user of our services regarding www.mediaserver.nu containing storage, handling and distribution of original images, the following conditions apply to you as a customer.
Right of use to the account
You as a customer have full responsibility for how the account is used and are obliged to follow the rules of use announced by Internetmedia Kommunikationsbyrå AB. The account may only be used by you as a customer and you may not disclose account details regarding the account to anyone else.
The contents of the account
The account may not store information that infringes the copyrights of another or contains racist material, incitement to a group of people, bullying, depictions of violence, pornography or other objectionable material. Neither pages of religious or political message or anything that violates Swedish or foreign law are allowed.
The ban applies to texts, pictures, movie clips, audio files and other information. The ban is general and applies regardless of whether it is available to all or just the customer himself.
Internetmedia Kommunikationsbyrå AB reserves the exclusive right to determine whether a customer's use of the account complies with the above rules.
Internetmedia Kommunikationsbyrå AB does not exercise any prior control over information or materials stored in the account. Internetmededia Kommunikationsbyrå AB is not liable or liable for direct or indirect damage and financial losses due to errors, delays, imperfections, interruptions, missing deliveries in the form of data, lack of availability or similar circumstances or events. Nor is Internetmededia Kommunikationsbyrå AB liable for damages if someone infringes the account and obtains access to, destroys or distorts information stored in the account.
However, Internetmedia Kommunikationsbyrå AB reserves the right to check the contents of the account through random checks or on suspicion that content is stored that violates these rules. In the event of a breach of the rules, Internetmededia Kommunikationsbyrå AB has the right to block the account during the remaining contract period. In this case, the fee already paid will not be refunded to the customer.
Should it become apparent that the account contains material that may be criminal, Internetmedia Kommunikationsbyrå AB reserves the right to report this without further communication with the customer.